The Amazing Architecture of Santiago Calatrava
Thanks to El Boz for the dose of inspiration below…behold the stunning architecture and structural engineering of Santiago Calatrava.
- Auditorio De Tenerife – Tenerife, Spain // The Distinctive Concrete shell roof takes its inspiration directly form the landscape of Tenerife set against the Atlantic Ocean. The massive arc swooping up and over the building like a wave takes on symbolic power, serving not only the building that houses a modern 1558 seat auditorium for music and culture but also as a focal point for the islands.

Turning Torso - Malmo, Sweden // A residential tower that serves as a symbol of the revitalization of an important urban area from a decaying industryl zone into a thriving seaside neighborhood. The building is composed of 9 cube units weigh triangular yips. Each unit is a sub-building housing 5 floors. at 190 meters, the Turning Torso is the tallest residential building in Sweden.
Conceptualizing The Online Store
So…we’ve been kicking around this idea for a while, as one of our internal projects, as an outlet for our product design and branding skills. We all know online shopping in general is bigger than ever, but we are also aware of the insane competition in the industry, and we don’t wanna be just like everyone else…So the obvious question is, “How will our shop be different?”
Here’s some notes on the topic we scribbled over Gyro’s at Zorba’s.
- Branded Mini-Shops
- Containing collections of products
- Each under the umbrella of AIRSH(O)P
- New Sales Model : Kickstarter meets Online shop
- Pre-order functionality
- generate interest and critical mass before production.
- Scarcity, limited availability tactics
- Early-adopter pricing
- discounts for sharing
- 3 Product Types
- traditional products: selling/fulfilling stocked items
- Affiliate products: curated items related to the mini-shop’s brand, style (mailbox money!)
- Pre-order product: see above–also see Groupon, United Pixel Workers, threadless
- Using The Shopify Platform
- how do we work within Shopify’s constraints to build this model?
- can we spin off custom-designed Shopify themes? REVENUE!
So, we’ve already started production on a Shopify theme, and there’s no shortage of good product ideas. Add that to our trial by fire (literally) experience creating the Central Texas Wildfire Relief T-Shirt campaign, and we feel this is a great concept and worthy experiment to try. Got any advice? Product ideas? We’d love to hear from you.
Riva Tritone
Polygon Superhero
jQuery Plugin: Feed to JSON
I have been loving YQL ever since I figured out how to use it to scrape webpages and return the data as JSON – allowing you to turn any standard web-page into a simple API ..opening up endless possibilities for data mash-ups.. IMO, its the best thing Yahoo has ever produced!
I wrote a little jQuery plugin that uses YQL to convert an RSS feed into a handy JSON object – this tiny extension makes its easy to work on rss feed mashups and widgets.. just check out this instagram tag search or this gimmebar user feed that i made in a matter of minutes..
Chris Dye Studio Teaser v1
Ok. This is really just a sketch or rough-draft of what’s to come…but…I made a quick montage of Chris Dye laying down basic tracks at Jimmy George’s new Roostudios in Manchaca, TX. This footage will eventually be used in a finished music video or “brand film” for Dye4…enjoy!
- shot on Canon T2i – monochrome profile.
- lenses: 18-55mm kit lens & 55-250mm EFS
- edited with Final Cut Pro 7.
- plugins: Digieffects Aged Film
Killer Script
Amazing hand-drawn lettering by 23 year old Hyper Island student Simon Alander. Check out more of his stuff at CoffeeMadeMeDoIt
That About Covers It.
User Experience: Is It Worth The Expense?
OK, first off – What is user experience? Here’s Wikipedia’s definition:
User experience (UX) is about how a person feels about using a product, system or service. User experience highlights the experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership, but it also includes a person’s perceptions of the practical aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency of the system. User experience is subjective in nature, because it is about an individual’s feelings and thoughts about the system. User experience is dynamic, because it changes over time as the circumstances change.
In short: UX reaches beyond the superficial facades of design and technology. It taps into the psychology of interaction.
A great UX should be baked into all modern web-designs from their inception, which, of course, requires additional time/resources/money to achieve.
So, why should we invest in better UX? What’s the ROI?
Dr. Susan Weinschenk breaks it all down for you in this nifty little stop-motion video below.
[youtube url=”” width=”670″]
Also, be sure to check out Dr. Weinschenk’s video on the 7 Principles that make websites more engaging.
Greetings from the AIRSHP
We hope this message finds you well, the following is a primer for the uninitiated…
We’ve been around.
Although AIRSHP is new, as a 2-man team, we’ve been around the block a few times. We have a 12-plus year background doing quality design and development for the entertainment industry. We’ve spent most of our careers working for other firms and we’ve learned a ton along the way, but the day has finally come to set out on our own – to forge a company that is built from the ground up around us – our collective skills – our creative ideas – we’ve got something to say!
Who does what?
Dustin handles most of the development work and Evan handles the graphic design.. we share duties when it comes to creative and strategic services..
What kind of projects would you like to take on?
We prefer to take on projects that utilize our broad skill set – web design, logo, branding, internet marketing, social media strategy, user interface design, email newsletters, etc.. allowing the end result to communicate our clients’ message consistently and effectively across all mediums. Ya Dig? If so, we are actively seeking new projects to sink our teeth into.. holla.
We Have Lift-off! The New AIRSHP Website
AIRSHP is officially off the ground! Many a-blood, sweat, and tears were shed in the process, but here we are.. finally able to show off our work to the world.. The goal was to create a website that showcased our collective talents in an intuitive and fresh interface that ‘gets out of the way’ and lets the work speak for itself.. we’ll post more on the details of the making-of process later – but for now, its time for us to rest and time for you to explore our work. Feel free to sign up for our email newsletter and please do contact us if you are interested in chartering the AIRSHP for a project or three !
If you’re wondering, right now you are in the ‘LABS’ section of our website – which is more or less our blog – a place to post news, ramblings, links to cool stuff, and experimental projects that keep our creative fires burning ..
Plenty more to come!
People Pushing By…
Acrylic with glass beads on canvas mounted on wood. 44 inch diameter.
Opposite Day from GregoFest 2010
Shot on our Canon T2i DSLR HD cameras.. This is the first of many concert videos to come from GregoFest 2011.. enjoy!