Sweet animated illustrations of old electronics created by Guillaume Kurkdjian.
So…we’ve been kicking around this idea for a while, as one of our internal projects, as an outlet for our product design and branding skills. We all know online shopping in general is bigger than ever, but we are also aware of the insane competition in the industry, and we don’t wanna be just like everyone else…So the obvious question is, “How will our shop be different?”
Here’s some notes on the topic we scribbled over Gyro’s at Zorba’s.
So, we’ve already started production on a Shopify theme, and there’s no shortage of good product ideas. Add that to our trial by fire (literally) experience creating the Central Texas Wildfire Relief T-Shirt campaign, and we feel this is a great concept and worthy experiment to try. Got any advice? Product ideas? We’d love to hear from you.